Wales Banquet program - 2020 - A-M Systems

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Wales Banquet program - 2020

Are we there yet????
Who among you as parents have never heard that line?
The phrase has been popularized and immortalized by a
number of movies. Of course what it means to most folks is;
“.. have we arrived at the Final Destination of our Trip?”,
“… are we at The End of the Line?”, etc.
If we use the phrase in a slightly different context, then it could very well be what many of our alumni and friends are uttering with reference to our annual banquets. After all, everyone should recognize that everything has an end, … a termination point. In our case, if for no other reason than the constituents pass on. If we have fewer attendees each year, it should come as no surprise that the reason is because there are fewer of us. “We are dying not to attend the annual Wales Annual Alumni Banquet.”

This does mark the 99th year of the first graduating class – the Class of 1921. Perhaps a better mark in time is the fact that it has been 60 years since the final graduating class of Wales-Lincoln – the Class of 1960! 60 since ‘60. As we have noted in recent programs – … our demise, our end-time, is inevitable!.. just the natural attrition of the life cycle… Are we there yet? Well.., maybe not yet!..

Keep Smilin!.. Stay Happy… and Stay in Touch!
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