FREE Analysis Report - A-M Systems

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FREE Analysis Report

Meat & Food Processors
Have you ever considered a Data Collection system?.. a system for recording critter weights, hot weights, ... weights from boxes/totes/combos/packages, etc. … perhaps producing bar code labels/tags and/or production data at specific points within the Production Cycle … from Receiving to Finish Products/Packaging?
Whether you have a “kill” process, do "Further Processing", or whether you buy totes, combos, boxes or whatever method of receiving raw materials for further processing, this may be an area that you have given thought to, but perhaps did not know just where to seek assistance for such a project.
Here is my offer: Cover my travel expense and I will come on-site and at an appropriate time when I would be able to tour and observe the normal daily/weekly production flow. I would spend 4 to 6 hours (or more if necessary) in investigative analysis and questioning - from Receiving, to Production, to Finishing and Shipping. After that phase (and at a later date), I would produce a FREE ANALYSIS REPORT for your management review. In most cases, I would be able to include alternative options – this all depends on your specific operation, your budget, and your expressed desire. The report would include suggestions on possible hardware and potential suppliers, along with suggestions on potential software packages/developers - if different from hardware suppliers.
After reviewing the analysis report, if you do nothing, then you would not be invoiced for any additional cost (beyond the travel expense, as noted earlier). However, if you would be interested in having me participate in such a project, then I would provide you with a systems design quotation. This phase would include evaluating and interviewing potential suppliers and eventually aiding them in the design and installation of a system that conforms to your business needs. Indeed, this phase may extend over a period of time, since it is generally best not to try and install a complete data collection system at one time – my experience has been to implement such a system in phases and over a period of time that allows for the continuation of regular business without the shock of installing a totally new and encompassing system.

Indeed, you could even use the analysis that I would have provided to seek project quotations from other companies, and without obligation. Within this website, you can get information on my experience background and related resume. I am willing to elaborate even further, if you request such.
FYI – My efforts will be entirely from a Consultant standpoint I do not have specific equipment nor pre-packaged software to offer, therefore the analysis will be based entirely on the requirements of the project. Unlike hardware and/or software suppliers that tend to make your needs fit their offerings, your hardware/software solution suggestions will be based on the best economic, as well as production options for your operation. Investigation would incorporate system elements from scale systems, to terminal devices and scanners, to printers, and more.
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301 E Oak St
Red Oak IA, 51566
402-305-2575 cell
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