A Few Uncle Eddie Memories - A-M Systems

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A Few Uncle Eddie Memories


Eddie set 2 traps in pond. When he came back, one of the traps was gone. His rat terrier dog start barking at a bush. He found a large mink had pulled the trap out of the water.

Went hunting for foxes and saw a fox going in a hole. He took some barbed wire and made it into a loop and poked it down the hole and then twisted it. He pulled out and got the tail from a fox. So he put it back down in the hole and did it again. This time he came up with a fox, which he killed and took it home. Grandma said she would sew the tail back on the fox for the pelt. Come to find out, the fox he had already had a tail.

There were a lot of foxes, but not coyotes. When coyotes came into territory the foxes moved out.

In fall, he used to take a stick and poke into ground. When stick would go into a hole, he would dig it up and find hazelnuts that squirrels had buried.
He would watch for bee hives. In late fall, when bees were not active, he would raid the hives for honey.

Grandma would take blue gill and scrape off scales. She would cook them that way. When eating you would take off the skin.

When Eddie was 17 he wanted to join military. He had to get parent’s permission. Grandma didn’t want to give it. But Grandpa told her, he could as easily get killed driving the car.

Grandpa always farmed with horses. Uncle Urban did until he bought a Ford tractor. This was fine until he decided to back up. When he got close to a ditch, he yelled ‘Whoa, whoa’, but the tractor did not understand and he ended up in the ditch.
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